Learning how to fly can be an expensive and time consuming endeavor. Moreover, it can be very difficult to determine a ball park figure as there are many variable to include such as aircraft rentals, fuel costs and instructor fees and these costs may vary drastically depending on where you live and the type of license you seek.
Moreover, he points out that flying, unlike most other recreational activities, is “a complex, long-term process that requires a substantial investment of time and money” and that “anecdotal evidence shows that more than half the people who start flying lessons never finish because they didn’t fully understand or appreciate the commitment it takes to earn your wings.” In other words, one of the best ways to control your costs is to ensure that you have both the time and the mental dedication to see the flight lessons through from beginning to end.
Hence, and to all pilots or students out there, how did you or how are you controlling the costs associated with flight training?