The International Space Station has a new viewing port. I thought I would celebrate with some gorgeous pictures. I really wish I had $20m – I would go tomorrow. (Hat tip IO9, also for their great tag line ‘We come from the future’. More NASA pics on Flickr).
Nick says
It's an overused word, but these are awesome images! I like the penultimate portrait of ISS in its golden glory, and the top picture, through the viewport, could almost be a Martian vista… one day 😉
tom says
The ISS is a 21st Century wonder of the Solar System. I wish they had a module for broadcasting live with HD and had a news anchor doing 1 hour show like Walter Chronkite. Real satellite news? There are ways to make this outpost impact people… because people need see there is a whole Universe around us and a future ahead. Futurity is no longer just a Dicken's graveyard ghost… It's people doing impossible things and making it look easy. That's what the ISS is about.